Digital art, assets and more.

About imageAbout image
As a Canadian artist, I create digital artwork of characters with different styles of art. I started off in the small town of Newmarket and went to St. Paul's Catholic school. There, I started discovering my love and passion for drawing. Since then, I continue to improve on drawing using traditional methods.

In high school, I discovered GIMP, Graphic Image Manipulating Program, and began to learn about computer art through watching speed painting videos on You Tube. I took that knowledge and began to create digital art. I use Photoshop to improve my skills, learning how to draw proportionally and to texture: To make both realistic, cartoon and anime-like characters.

I am a quirky, creative, artistic person that has inventive and unique ideas that are utilized within my daily life. I always keep an optimistic and honest outlook on life and the people around me gain positive attitudes around me. While around other people, I am friendly and respectful, keeping intuitive on how other people feel to ensure I am able to help them and always offer support. Helping people is important to me, so if I can make them smile, then I have done my job well.

          My Work Philosophy
My philosophy is that the willingness to learn new skills and improve on the skills you already know are key to the success of, not only you, but the business as a whole. I will work hard to, not only improve myself, but to also help teach and support those around me. Keeping a positive outlook in a growing and evolving work environment is another key to success. We all support each other and I strongly believe in the quote ‘a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.’ The integrity of the workplace is important to maintain and update.

          Short Term Goals

I plan on getting my name out there with commissions and the works that I create. While I continue to improve my work, I will be ensuring each client I get is satisfied with their commissions.

          Long Term Goals

Continuing to become more well-known. I plan on building a business with excellent reputation and community to help support other artists on their journey in their creative career.


Though I may not be competitive by nature, I am a completionist. Me and a few of my partners worked diligently every day to complete tasks that we set and complete the achievements on the game we were playing, Monster Hunter World. While we worked towards each achievement, with some of them being completely up to a RNG, which stands for random number generator, it was only me and one of my other hunting partners. We had almost everything but one more achievement, which involved heavy RNG. After about three to five months of doing the same task over and over again, we both had 100% achievement in the game before the Iceborne DLC was released and doubled the achievements. We still work on getting 100% again.


Running your own campaign for Dungeons and Dragons can be tricky, but it is great for the players when you are creative. Though I had written a guideline for myself to follow, one of my players had decided to go fishing, which did not caused a problem. That player rolled a very high roll in fishing while using dragon meat as bait. In order to meet the roll, I told them that they caught a pseudo dragon. On the spot, I came up with a quick backstory for the pseudo dragon which the players can then decide to pursue as a side quest. This had me create non-player characters on the spot and even give the player who takes care of the pseudo dragon a sheet for being able to use the pseudo dragon. This helped make the world they play in feel more alive.


I may not be diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), but I am pretty sure I have a mild case of it. When I am ever given any form of storage container (sometimes multiple) and items or objects to sort them into, I will do so in a systematic way. One of the extreme examples I can give of this is in a game called Terraria. I obtain, name and colour coat each and every chest and have them organized and sorted every couple of hours. Each weapon type has their own chest and so forth, causing me to have an average of thirty or so chests in a storage area, including a dump chest for others to use that I will then also sort into the actual chests if I find any items in them.

          Willingness to Learn

At first, when I was learning to play Monster Hunter World, I did not want to go anywhere near a ranged weapon due to the keyboard controls for them being unintuitive. However, after about 6 months time with trying out the other weapons, I decided to rebind the controls and make a new character just to learn how to use ranged weapons, even going as far as going half way through the main story of the game. From using the ranged weapons with that character, I started using ones on my first character I made and started expanding my arsenal of what I know in the game. This also allowed me to help teach other players how to use these weapons and have their knowledge of the game expand as well.


One of my companions was working on a character project for a few months with not much progress of it getting done. They had a desired date to have the kinks and concept done so that they can get actual work done on their character project. I decided to help out over the course of a few weeks to help them out, bouncing ideas between each other and working out the odd kinks and even helping them improve the character in areas they were not expecting. This helped them complete the character project about two weeks before their desired date, only leaving some minor kinks that will get fixed during some play testing.

A Resume that has been updated as of March 2024.

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